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YANTU - Row Round Denmark for Clean Seas


I had the pleasure of meeting Christian Havrehed and Lars Gabe in Odden harbour during my trip to Denmark.

They made history in Denmark by embarking on a remarkable journey - rowing an ocean-going boat around the entire Danish coast, covering a distance of 1 500 kilometres in just 34 days.

While sea kayaks and even stand-up paddleboards have already covered this distance, the use of rowing boats for this endeavour is new.

Christian Havrehed has a remarkable track record in the world of rowing. In 2001, he reached a historic milestone by becoming the first Dane to row around an ocean.

The "Row Around Denmark for Cleaner Seas" project serves as a compelling call to action for partner environmental organizations, urging their members to engage in beach clean-up activities in tandem with the rowing expedition.
This collective effort elevates the project's impact, as the quantity of litter collected and the participation of individuals in this endeavor far surpass what the rowers could achieve on their own.